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Irina Laskova


Connection to nature and interaction with the Universe are sources of female energy and my art.

Irina Laskova. Born in 1976
Lives and works in Protvino, Moscow Region.

She has been drawing since childhood, at the age of 10 she herself enrolled in an art school. After the school, she entered the art faculty at the affiliate of Tarusa Professional Lyceum. She successfully defended her thesis with the assignment of the specialty "Artist of painting on wood of the 5th category" and over the next years worked as a wooden products artist.

In 2004 Irina mastered the fashionable profession of graphic designer and has been working in this field since 2006. She creates original illustrations and develops packaging design.

The experience of these two professions is the foundation for the original wooden arts. Irina has developed her own technique by combining her favorite art materials on a wooden surface: graphite, pastel, acrylic, stain and potal.

Years of experience working with wood, love for illustration and design have resulted in her own style as an artist.

Irina Laskova



May 2022. "Earth. Ver.20.22. Why does Android need Earth? ", Darwin Museum, Moscow (In Russian: Zemlya. Ver.20.22. Zachem Androidu Zemlya? Darvinovskiy muzey)
May 2022. "Successful Art", Moscow (In Russian: Udachnoye iskusstvo)
April 2022. "By the selfie method", Moscow (In Russian: Po metodu selfi)
January 2022. "Starfall", Moscow (In Russian: Zvezdopad)
June 2021. "MENTAL HEALTH", UK
November 2021. "SuperStart" online-exhibition, Moscow

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